Playtest Material: Monk Subclasses
Hello and welcome to The Bard's College. I am The Bard and today's materials include a pair of new subclasses for the Monk which will be headed for the DM's Guild. As always, my brilliant students have the advance opportunity to review the beta version and provide any feedback on the new content before it is finalized and released on DM's Guild. Check out the playtest PDF HERE>> I am also keenly aware that my lectures have not been posted with the regularity I had hoped. Nevertheless the college is far from abandoned, even if my responsibilities beyond the academic do place a greater than anticipated burden upon my schedule. I have been continuing my work on the Metroidvania module previously mentioned and will hopefully have a worthwhile update soon (complex map design is certainly a process). Additionally I've been hard at work getting our first few DM's Guild releases formatted and finalized for release. As one might expect this is slow going as the ...